Šaldymo reagentas, freonas, saltnesis, R134A, 12 kg daugkartineje pakuoteje kokybiskas ir sertifikuotas, didmenine bei mazmenine prekyba. Įsigykite saldymo agenta freona ypac gera kaina – del kainu ir sutarties sudarymo susisiekti Garantuojame geriausias kainas Lietuvoje. Freonas R134a Geriausia kaina

RRT announces the preliminary results of 5G auction (2022 rugpjūčio 5 d.)

The commission of the auction identified the highest bidder of the auction for 3400‒3700 MHz radio frequency band usage.

The newly appointed RRT Council starts work at the Communications Regulatory Authority (2022 gegužės 18 d.)

On Wednesday, 18 May 2022, a new RRT Council appointed by a decree of the President of the Republic of Lithuania begins its work at the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT).

Accredited activities


Apparatus control and market surveillance campaigns

CRA carries out supervision of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulation of Electromagnetic Compatibility and have the right to take equipment from the market for a period not exceeding 30 days to assess compliance with the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility.

Market surveillance of radio equipment

Market surveillance of radio equipment in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania is carried out by CRA.

Laura Vareikienė

Rūtenis Vanagas

RRT publishes coverage and speed maps of mobile networks (2021 gruodžio 1 d.)

The Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) publishes the latest maps of the expected coverage areas and 4G speed of the networks of mobile communication operators UAB “Bitė Lietuva”, “Telia Lietuva” AB and UAB “Tele2”.

Paulius Vaina