Jūratė Šovienė susitiks su Lietuvos Respublikos Prezidentu Ginatanu Nausėda (Prezidentūra, S. Daukanto a. 3)
CRA is preparing to become the national coordinator for digital services (2023 rugpjūčio 3 d.)
On 17 February next year, the Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) is expected to become the National Coordinator for Digital Services in Lithuania to ensure the implementation of the Digital Services Act.
Mindaugas Stankevičius
International conference „DigiT Baltic 2022“ about upcoming changes in the digital domain (2022 rugsėjo 14 d.)
“DigiT Baltic 2022”– an international conference organized by the Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT) and DigiTech Association “INFOBALT” on September 21th! Conference coming with exciting topic - new game rules – upcoming changes in the digital domain brought about by the new version of eIDAS regulation.
Winners of the second 5G auction confirmed (2022 rugsėjo 8 d.)
The Council of the Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT) has approved the winners of the second 5G auction of the year, for the use of the 713-733 MHz and 768-788 MHz radio frequency bands.
Giedrė Jarmalytė
RRT announces the preliminary results of the second 5G auction (2022 rugpjūčio 29 d.)
The auction committee has identified the highest bidders for the auction for the use of the 713-733 MHz and 768-788 MHz radio frequency bands.
RRT meets with Egyptian Minister to discuss eSignature issues (2022 rugpjūčio 25 d.)
Today, on 25 August 2022, Jūratė Šovienė, Chair of the Council of the Lithuanian Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA), met with Dr.