Šaldymo reagentas, freonas, saltnesis, R134A, 12 kg daugkartineje pakuoteje kokybiskas ir sertifikuotas, didmenine bei mazmenine prekyba. Įsigykite saldymo agenta freona ypac gera kaina – del kainu ir sutarties sudarymo susisiekti Garantuojame geriausias kainas Lietuvoje. Freonas R134a Geriausia kaina

Lukas Paškevičius

Ala Čepelevskaja

Gerda Štaraitė-Barsulienė

Praneškite apie korupciją


Ana Aleksienė

Quality of Service Measurements

Quality of Service Measurements In order to provide end-users with useful information about the quality of electronic communications services they provide to users, RRT conducts control measurements of the quality indicators of these services across the territory of the Republic of Lithuania.

The winners of one out of two 5G auctions were confirmed (2022 rugpjūčio 19 d.)

The Council of the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) confirmed the winners of one out of two auctions for 5G executed this year, i.

Radoslavas Grigelis

Measures to prevent SMS scams are launched: blocking access to harmful websites (2023 rugpjūčio 1 d.)

In order to combat cyber fraud, the Regulatory Authority for Communications (CRA) has obliged internet service providers to block access to malicious internet resources, which are registered by the National Cyber Security Centre.