Šaldymo reagentas, freonas, saltnesis, R134A, 12 kg daugkartineje pakuoteje kokybiskas ir sertifikuotas, didmenine bei mazmenine prekyba. Įsigykite saldymo agenta freona ypac gera kaina – del kainu ir sutarties sudarymo susisiekti Garantuojame geriausias kainas Lietuvoje. Freonas R134a Geriausia kaina

Legal acts regulating the conditions for the use of appartus and equipment


Congratulations to Tomas Lamanauskas on winning the election for ITU Deputy Secretary-General (2022 rugsėjo 29 d.)

Today, 29 September, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) elections saw the election of Lithuanian candidate Tomas Lamanauskas as Deputy Secretary-General for the 2023-2026 term.

International conference „DigiT Baltic 2022“ about upcoming changes in the digital domain (2022 rugsėjo 14 d.)

“DigiT Baltic 2022”– an international conference organized by the Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT) and DigiTech Association “INFOBALT” on September 21th! Conference coming with exciting topic - new game rules – upcoming changes in the digital domain brought about by the new version of eIDAS regulation.

Gerda Štaraitė – Barsulienė

Meeting of regulators of the Baltic countries in the context of a tense situation (2022 rugsėjo 9 d.)

On September 8-9, in Palanga RRT is hosting the 18th annual meeting of Baltic regulators.

Giedrė Jarmalytė

Tarybos posėdis

RRT announces the preliminary results of the second 5G auction (2022 rugpjūčio 29 d.)

The auction committee has identified the highest bidders for the auction for the use of the 713-733 MHz and 768-788 MHz radio frequency bands.

RRT meets with Egyptian Minister to discuss eSignature issues (2022 rugpjūčio 25 d.)

Today, on 25 August 2022, Jūratė Šovienė, Chair of the Council of the Lithuanian Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA), met with Dr.