J. Šovienė dalyvaus Rytų partnerystės tinklo EaPeReg plenariniame posėdyje
Tarybos posėdis
Tarybos posėdis
Tarybos narys G. Pūras susitinka su Lietuvos auditorių rūmų atstovais
Tarybos posėdis
EU experience in the field of protection of service end-users presented to Ukrainian electronic communications service providers (2021 gegužės 13 d.)
Continuing the cooperation with Ukrainian colleagues, RRT and Latvian experts shared their experience on end-user protection and electronic communications quality (QoS) monitoring system issues.
Tarybos narys G. Pūras susitiks su AB Lietuvos paštas atstovais
Tarybos posėdis
Thanks giving letter from ICTA of the Republic of Turkey Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA) of the Republic of Turkey gives acknowledgement and express deep gratitude for Dr.