Šaldymo reagentas, freonas, saltnesis, R134A, 12 kg daugkartineje pakuoteje kokybiskas ir sertifikuotas, didmenine bei mazmenine prekyba. Įsigykite saldymo agenta freona ypac gera kaina – del kainu ir sutarties sudarymo susisiekti Garantuojame geriausias kainas Lietuvoje. Freonas R134a Geriausia kaina

Tarptautinė telekomunikacijų sąjunga patikslino Lietuvos narystės ITU pradžios datą (2019 balandžio 2 d.)

2019 m.

Reports on the Situation of European Internet Networks during COVID-19 – on the RRT Website (2020 balandžio 15 d.)

The Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) wishes to inform you that the electronic communications regulatory authorities of the European Union have started collecting and sharing information on internet capacity and traffic loads during the COVID-19 pandemic in European states.

EuroDIG 2024: Shaping the Future of Digital Innovation in Europe – Balancing Innovation and Regulation (2024 gegužės 8 d.)

Vilnius 22 April 2024 – EuroDIG 2024, Europe’s premier conference on Internet Governance, is set to convene from 17-19 June in Vilnius / Lithuania.

Internet Hotline

Please report to RRT Internet Hotline the encountered content related to pornography, sexual exploitation of children, cyberbullying, violence, racial or national hostility.

Representatives of the Electronic communications and Post regulatory authorities of the Baltic states shared their experience in the field of market regulation during the annual meeting (2018 rugpjūčio 28 d.)

An annual meeting of the representatives of the national regulatory authorities of the Baltic States took place at the Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT) on 23-24 August 2018.

Notifications of intent to install infrastructure

NOTE TO INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGERS AND USERS Please be informed that from 1 January 2022 the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania will no longer accept or publish notifications from Infrastructure Managers about the electronic communications infrastructure to be installed or the physical infrastructure suitable for the installation and/or sharing of electronic communications infrastructure.

RRT patikslino pašto rinkos 2017 m. IV ketvirčio duomenis (2018 kovo 22 d.)

RRT, gavusi papildomus duomenis iš pašto rinkos dalyvių, patikslino pašto rinkos 2017 m.

RRT publishes data on the electronic communications market for Quarter III of 2020 (2020 gruodžio 11 d.)

The Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) publishes data on the electronic communications market for Quarter III 2020.

RRT announces an auction for the right to use radio frequencies in the 3400-3700 MHz radio frequency band (2022 balandžio 1 d.)

The Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) has announced an auction for the right to use radio frequencies (channels) in the 3400-3700 MHz radio frequency band.