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Matomas didėjantis draudžiamo skleisti turinio plitimas: per tris mėnesius RRT gavo 2205 pranešimus apie draudžiamą ar nepilnamečiams žalingą turinį (2021 balandžio 29 d.)

Per 2021 m.

RRT shares the 5G development plans in Lithuania (2020 lapkričio 10 d.)

Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) plans to announce the auctions for mobile operators to acquire the radio frequencies necessary for 5G radio communication network deployment.

As the demand for Internet use grows, so does the spread of prohibited content: in 2020 RRT received 1373 reports about prohibited or harmful content to minors (2021 vasario 8 d.)

Throughout 2020, the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) received 1373 reports of prohibited[1] or harmful internet content via the internet hotline ”Clean Internet”.

During 2021 the number of reports about illegal or harmful content on the internet increased more than twice (2022 sausio 19 d.)

During 2021 Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) received 3558 reports on the internet hotline „Švarus internetas“ (Clean Internet) about internet content prohibited to be disseminated[1] or having detrimental effect on minors.

The new Law on Electronic Communications enters into force from the 1st of December (2021 gruodžio 1 d.)

On 1 December 2021, the Law on Electronic Communications of the Republic of Lithuania on amendment to the Law No.

#NK2020 is Gaining Momentum: We Are Looking Forward to Meet the Creators of Lithuanian Digital Innovations (2020 liepos 7 d.)

The invitation to participate in the contest “New Enlightener 2020”, or #NK2020, is open – we are welcoming both the ambitious start-ups and experienced IT companies as well as the representatives of academic community who have realised original ideas, in other words, all those who have created interesting, original and valuable digital products and wish to test their abilities in the Lithuanian National Selection to the World Summit Awards/WSA 2020.

Paaiškėjo skaitmeninių sprendimų konkurso „Naujasis knygnešys 2020“ finalistai (2020 liepos 27 d.)

Skaitmeninių sprendimų konkurso „Naujasis knygnešys 2020“, arba #NK2020, komisija atrinko finalistus, kurie 2020 m.

Išaugus elektroninio parašo paklausai, RRT teikia patarimus vartotojams (2020 balandžio 9 d.)

Lietuvos Respublikos ryšių reguliavimo tarnyba (RRT) karantino Lietuvoje metu stebi ženkliai išaugusį elektroninio parašo naudojimą įvairiose sistemose, skirtose pasirašyti elektroninius dokumentus kvalifikuotu elektroniniu parašu.

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