
Tarybos posėdis

TARYBOS POSĖDŽIO DARBOTVARKĖS KLAUSIMAI Dėl Tarybos nutarimo „Dėl leidimo užsiimti radijo mėgėjų veikla išdavimo A.

RRT viešai konsultuojasi dėl individualių teisės aktų (2020 rugpjūčio 10 d.)

RRT skelbia viešąją konsultaciją dėl radijo dažnių (kanalų) naudojimo terminų pratęsimo bei radijo dažnių (kanalų) naudojimo sąlygų pakeitimo.

RRT įvertino mobiliojo interneto ir balso telefonijos paslaugų kokybę Vilniuje, Kaune ir Klaipėdoje: paslaugų kokybė išlieka aukšta (2020 balandžio 23 d.)

Lietuvos Respublikos ryšių reguliavimo tarnyba (RRT), siekdama įvertinti mobiliojo interneto spartą ir mobiliojo telefono ryšio kokybę karantino metu, toliau vykdo matavimus Lietuvos miestuose.

RRT announces an auction for the right to use radio frequencies in the 3400-3700 MHz radio frequency band (2022 balandžio 1 d.)

The Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) has announced an auction for the right to use radio frequencies (channels) in the 3400-3700 MHz radio frequency band.

International report reveals how the war affected Ukraine’s telecommunications network (2023 rugpjūčio 1 d.)

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has presented the results of last year’s report on war damage to Ukraine’s telecommunications infrastructure.

Legal acts regulating consumer protection


Legal acts regulating the management and supervision of numbers and domains


Legal acts regulating the conditions for the use of appartus and equipment


Legal acts regulating trust services

LawsLaw of the Republic of Lithuania on Electronic Identification and Trust Services for Electronic Transactions (available only in Lithuanian)Resolutions of the GovernmentOn the Appointment of the Supervisory Institution for Trust Services and the Institution Responsible for Compiling, Managing and Publishing the National Trusted List (Resolution No 144 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 18 February 2016) (available only in Lithuanian)Resolutions of the RRT CouncilOn the Rules of Procedure of the Communications Regulatory Authority (Resolution No TN-35 of the Council of the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania of 20 September 2022) (available only in Lithuanian)Orders of the RRT DirectorOn the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for Submitting Notifications on Violations of the Security and/or Integrity of Trust Services (Order No 1V-594 of the Director of the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania of 4 June 2019) (available only in Lithuanian) On the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for Verification of the Identity of a Person and Additional Specific Features when Issuing Qualified Certificates for Electronic Signature, Electronic Seal, Website Authentication  (Order No 1V-1055 of the Director of the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania of 26 October 2018) (available only in Lithuanian) On the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for Granting the Status of Qualified Trust Service Providers and Qualified Trust Services and their Registration in the National Trusted List, as well as Reporting Activities of Qualified Trust Service Providers  (Order No 1V-588 of the Director of the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania of 21 June 2018) (available only in Lithuanian)