Salesforce - Pass-Sure B2C-Commerce-Architect - Salesforce Certified B2C Commerce Architect Valid Test Materials ☘ Go to website ➡ ️⬅️ open and search for ⏩ B2C-Commerce-Architect ⏪ to download for free 🍾B2C-Commerce-Architect Reliable Exam Guide:

CRA used AI tool for illegal and harmful content detection listed as Baltic Sustainability Awards finalist (2022 lapkričio 23 d.)

AI tool for detecting illegal and harmful content (incl.

Per 2021 metų III ketvirtį RRT gavo 222 pranešimus apie neteisėtą ar žalingą turinį internete (2021 spalio 22 d.)

Per 2021 m.

Broadband satellite internet service “Starlink” has been launched in Lithuania (2021 gruodžio 7 d.)

On the 3rd of December 2021 USA space technology company “SpaceX” started providing “Starlink” satellite internet services in Lithuania.

Ar esame pasirengę užtikrinti saugesnę interneto erdvę Lietuvoje? (2024 vasario 26 d.)

Europos Sąjungos valstybėse nuo vasario 17 dienos, įsigaliojus Skaitmeninių paslaugų aktui, tapo privalomi nauji reikalavimai, kuriais siekiama suderinti tarpininkavimo paslaugų taisykles.

RRT pirmininkė: siekdami skaitmeninio dešimtmečio tikslų, turime padaryti gerokai daugiau (2024 rugpjūčio 9 d.)

2023 m.

Rights and responsibilities of a consumer


Jau tradicija tapusioje konferencijoje „DigiT Baltic“ – eIDAS reglamento iššūkiai (2022 rugsėjo 27 d.)

Interneto svetainėje www.

Validity of electronic signature and electronic seal

Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS) stipulates that verification of electronic signature and electronic seal may be carried out by the provider of electronic signature and electronic seal validation service.

International conference „DigiT Baltic 2022“ about upcoming changes in the digital domain (2022 rugsėjo 14 d.)

“DigiT Baltic 2022”– an international conference organized by the Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT) and DigiTech Association “INFOBALT” on September 21th! Conference coming with exciting topic - new game rules – upcoming changes in the digital domain brought about by the new version of eIDAS regulation.