The Council of the Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT) has approved the winners of the second 5G auction of the year, for the use of the 713-733 MHz and 768-788 MHz radio frequency bands. The winners are:
Telia Lietuva, AB, bidding €23 million for a 2×10 MHz radio frequency block,
Bitė Lietuva, UAB, bidding EUR 3 million for a 2×5 MHz radio frequency block,
Tele2, UAB, bidding EUR 3.9 million for the 2×5 MHz radio frequency block.
Each winner of the auction will be obliged to make the initial part of the payment to the State budget within 1 month from the date of confirmation of the winner of the auction. Only then will the RRT issue the authorisations to use the radio frequencies.
The RRT reminds that all winners of the auction will be able to use the winning radio frequencies for the deployment of next generation 5G radio networks and 5G electronic communications services. Services in these radio frequency bands will provide particularly high speed internet in less populated areas.
The winners of the auction will be required to:
– launch commercial 5G services in at least one of the following cities: Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai or Panevėžys, no later than six months from the date of authorisation,
– by 31 December 2023, launch 5G services in all five largest cities of the Republic of Lithuania.
– enable the provision of electronic communications services of at least 30 Mbps on national trunk roads and trunk railway lines by 31 December 2025 at the latest,
– no later than five years from now, to provide electronic communications services to at least 98% of the territory of the Republic of Lithuania and to enable at least 80% of households to have access to electronic communications services of at least 30 Mbps.
Updated on 2022-09-08