The Council of the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) confirmed the winners of one out of two auctions for 5G executed this year, i.e. the winners of the auction for 3400‒3700 MHz radio frequency range users. The confirmed winners were:
AB “Telia Lietuva”, which offered 7 million EUR for 3500 ̶ 3600 MHz radio frequency block.
UAB “Bitė Lietuva”, which offered 3 million EUR for 3600 ̶ 3700 MHz radio frequency block.
UAB “Tele2”, which offered 3 million EUR for 3400 ̶ 3500 MHz radio frequency block.
Each winners of the auction will be liable to pay the indicated contribution or initial part thereof to the state budget within 30 days from the date of confirmation of the winners of the auction. Only after that, RRT will issue permits to use the assigned radio frequencies.
All the winner of the auction will be able to use the assigned radio frequencies by introducing new generation 5G radio communication networks and providing 5G electronic communication network services. The services provided within this frequency range will ensure especially high-speed internet in densely populated areas. The winners of the auction will be liable to commence providing 5G services in at least one of the biggest Lithuanian cities until the end of 2023, whereas 5G networks must be installed in the main cities by the end of 2024. Until the end of 2025, the operators will be liable to provide opportunities for all the households to connect to the stations operating at 100 Mb/s speed. As of 1 January 2023 the winners of the auction will also be liable to ensure a possibility to receive public electronic communication services using devices with integrated subscriber identification modules (eSIM)[1], whereas from the end of 2023 – to ensure data flow routing using IPv6 [2] protocol.
The resolution of the Council of RRT is published here: Public tenders and auctions – Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (rrt.lt)
- eSIM is the technology that enable users, which have devices with integrated subscriber identification modules (for example, smartphones with eSIM), to receive operators services or change the operator remotely.
- IPv6 protocol is a new generation IP address version, the purpose of which is to replace the currently used IPv4 protocol. In comparison with IPv4, IPv6 protocol has significantly larger address resources, ensures higher safety and service quality level, more advanced network architecture and routing adaptability. That is especially relevant for Internet of Things device usage development.
Updated on 2022-08-22