On 22 January 2020, the first formal meeting of the Steering Committee of the Twinning project took place in Kiev, Ukraine, during which a report on the activities performed during the first quarter has been introduced. The meeting was attended by the representatives from Lithuanian and Latvian regulatory institutions, the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization of Ukraine and a representative from the EU Delegation in Ukraine.
During the reporting period (63 business days in total), 22 expert missions were carried out. The missions were mainly focussed on the analysis of the current situation. The purpose of the expert missions was to analyse the normative and other documents of the Ukrainian regulator, related to the assessment of quality of the electronic communications services and protection of end‑users, the conditions of the equipment access to the market, examine the existing market conditions and normative obligations in wholesale markets of call termination. The experts of the Member States provided their recommendations on how to improve the regulatory framework of the call termination rates in Ukraine, as well as presented the best EU practice in the assessment of quality of the electronic communications services and consumer protection.
Giedrius Pūras, the permanent advisor on the matters of the Twinning project in Ukraine, pointed out that the draft Law on the Electronic Communications is currently under consideration at the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which will form a regulatory framework for Ukrainian sector of electronic communications and influence the further activities related to the implementation of the Twinning project.
Rolling work-plan and budget for the next six months (from 08‑12‑2019 to 07‑06‑2020) were also approved during the meeting of the Steering Committee.
From September 2019, the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) together with Latvian Public Utilities Commission launched the European Union Twinning project in Ukraine “Strengthening the Regulatory Capacity of the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization in the Areas of Market Access and Quality of Service Monitoring System”. The aim of this project is to strengthen and improve the capacity of the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization of Ukraine in the areas of supervision of the quality of electronic communications services, access to the electronic communications networks and interconnection of networks.
Updated on 2020-05-27