Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) announced the postal market data for the 4th quarter of 2020. According to the data of RRT, the total revenue of the 4th quarter of 2020 amounted to 64.8 million Euros, i.e., it exceeded the revenue of the 4th quarter of 2019 by 17.8 percent, whereas the overall revenue of postal sector during 2020 comprised 214.2 million Euros, i.e., 12.1 percent more in comparison to 2019 (191.1 million Euros).
Such increase of revenue received during 2020 was mostly influenced by the increase of the revenue received from postal parcels – in comparison to 2019, the revenue increased by 30.6 percent and amounted to 146.9 million Euros or 68.6 percent of the total postal sector revenue. In terms of total revenue, in 2020 the biggest market share was taken by: AB Lietuvos Paštas – 35.3 percent, UAB “DPD Lietuva” – 21.4 percent and UAB “Venipak Lietuva” – 9.3 percent.
The growth of the revenue received from the postal parcels was determined by constantly increasing number of postal parcels. In comparison to the 4th quarter of 2019, the number of postal parcels during the 4th quarter of 2020 increased by 77.1 percent, namely, from 6.3 to 11.2 million units. If to compare the annual data, in 2020 the number of parcels increased by 54.0 percent: from 21.9 to 33.7 million units.
In order to provide the users with the highest quality services, the postal service providers invested into the development and modernisation of the postal network, especially self-service terminals (parcel pickup stations), innovative logistic software solutions. In comparison to 2019, the investments in 2020 increased nearly twice and comprised 22.4 million Euros. 82.7 percent (18.5 million Euros) of these investments were covered by the investments of AB Lietuvos Paštas, whereas the investments of UAB “DPD Lietuva” and UAB “Miesto logistika” exceeded 1 million Euros in 2020.
In comparison to 2019 the number of parcel terminals in 2020 increased by 51.8 percent or from 550 to 835 units. At the end of 2020 UAB “Omniva” had the biggest number of parcel terminals – 35.9 percent (300 units), while AB Lietuvos paštas – 32.6 percent (272 units), UAB “DPD Lietuva” – 37.4 percent (145 units), UAB “Itella Logistics” – 12.8 percent (107 units). A tendency can be distinguished that the number of locations were traditional postal services are provided, such as post offices, post boxes, rented post boxes, is decreasing, whereas the number of locations where innovative postal services are provided is increasing.
In 2020 RRT started collecting the information about the postal parcels pick up drop off points. There were 305 such points in Lithuania at the end of the year.
The overview of the postal services during the 4th quarter of 2020 was prepared based on the data provided by the postal service providers to RRT about the postal service activities during the 4th quarter of 2020. The entire overview is announced on the website of RRT at: https://www.rrt.lt/d/pasto-sektoriaus-ketvirtine-ataskaita-10/
Updated on 2021-03-18