On 19-20 June 2019, the representatives of the Regulatory Authority of Electronic and Postal Communications of Kosovo (ARKEP) were visiting the Communications Regulatory Authority. The ARKEP experts came to Lithuania for a study visit organised under the TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange) programme of the European Commission.
The aim of this visit was to provide an opportunity for the representatives of the regulator of Kosovo to learn about the Lithuanian experience in the field of the supervision of the universal postal service provision. In 2019, a new Postal Law was adopted in Kosovo under which the regulator of Kosovo needs to draft the implementing legal acts, therefore the experience of other countries is especially relevant in order to properly ensure the operation of the postal sector.
RRT experts presented the legal framework of the provision and supervision of the postal service, including the universal postal service, and statistical information concerning the postal service provision to the colleagues from Kosovo, overviewed the trends and main challenges in the postal sector. During the visit of the colleagues from Kosovo, the role of the national regulatory authorities in ensuring the provision of those services, competition and customer protection was discussed as well as the regulation of the accountability of the universal postal service provider and cost accounting was detailed.
RRT shared with ARKEP representatives the information on the procedures and technical solutions applied by the RRT in the monitoring of the postal service quality, including the obligations of the universal postal service provider in relation to the postal network and quality requirements. The representatives of the regulator of Kosovo expressed their interest in the activities of the European Regulators Group for Postal Services whose overview and main challenges were also presented during the visit.
“We are delighted that the presentations made by the RRT colleagues have attracted great interest of our guests, and we are ready to share the good practice in the field of regulation gained by the RRT over a long period of time and, this way, contribute to the assistance programs carried out by the EU,” noted RRT Deputy Director Lina Rainienė.
Updated on 2019-07-08