The Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) publishes its annual activity report describing the most important works fulfilled in 2019, as well as market trends. “The last year was full of challenges and novelties in the regulatory field of the communications sector. This also includes the transposition of provisions of the European Electronic Communications Code to the national law, as well as the assurance of smooth 5G technology development seeking a dialogue with administration of other countries by defending the interests of Lithuania to the maximum extent”, told the Director General of the RRT Feliksas Dobrovolskis. “We view cooperation with the Eastern partnership countries as a priority field: last year, playing the role of the senior partner, we successfully completed a twinning project in Georgia and started a new one in Ukraine. We continued works and set new tasks for ourselves not only in the fields of electronic communications, but also post and railway transport maintenance, we have invested into important technical measures supporting the sectors under our supervision”, noted Mr. Dobrovolskis.
The key results of RRT activity in 2019 are available on our website at https://www.rrt.lt/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/RRT_2019_Veiklos_ataskaita_20200429.pdf
Updated on 2020-05-04