Today, on 25 August 2022, Jūratė Šovienė, Chair of the Council of the Lithuanian Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA), met with Dr. Amr S. Talaat, Minister of Communications and Information Technology of Egypt, and Mr. Hazem Nabil, Vice-President of the Information Technology and Industry Development Agency (ITIDA), responsible for e-operations.
During the meeting, issues related to the development of e-signatures were discussed. The Egyptian delegation was interested in the practical implementation of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council No 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS) in Lithuania. RRT experts shared information on the types of e-signatures and the tools used for e-signatures in Lithuania (eID, USB, SIM, smart cards), the implementation of timestamps, and the use and recognition of e-signatures in Lithuania, EU countries and outside the EU.
Egypt is actively interested in the implementation of the eIDAS Regulation in the EU Member States and is working to implement the provisions of this Regulation at national level and to ensure global harmonisation of national eSignature tools.
The meeting was also attended by the Ambassador of Egypt to Lithuania, Mohamed Karim Fouad Sherif, the Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to Egypt, Artūras Gailiūnas, and other members of the Egyptian delegation.
Updated on 2022-08-26