The auction committee has identified the highest bidders for the auction for the use of the 713-733 MHz and 768-788 MHz radio frequency bands.
They are Bitė Lietuva, UAB, which bid EUR 3 000 000 for the 2×5 MHz block, Telia Lietuva, AB, which bid EUR 23 000 000 for the 2×10 MHz block, and Tele2, UAB, which bid EUR 3 900 000 for the 2×5 MHz block. These radio frequencies (channels) will be used for the deployment of next generation 5G mobile networks and 5G electronic communications services in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania.
“We have reached the finish line of the 5G auctions in Lithuania – the winners of one more auction have been identified, who will get the right to use radio frequencies to provide the most advanced mobile services. For this right to use a limited state resource – radio frequencies – the operators will pay EUR 29 900 000 to the state budget and in the near future 5G will open up wider opportunities for the provision of innovative and advanced services in Lithuania, not only for the population, but also for the industry, business and the public sectors. The 700 MHz band is particularly necessary for operators to efficiently cover less populated areas with 5G networks,” said Darius Kuliešius, Member of the RRT Council.
The winners of the auction will have to:
- provide electronic communications services covering at least 98% of the territory of the Republic of Lithuania;
- provide electronic communications services of at least 30 Mbps to 80 percent of households in the Republic of Lithuania, on national trunk roads and trunk railway lines;
- launch commercial 5G communication services in at least one of the following cities: Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai or Panevėžys, no later than six months from the date of issue of the authorisation, and launch 5G services in all five of the largest cities of the Republic of Lithuania by 31 December 2023.
All bidders have the right to submit complaints about irregularities in the procedure within 7 working days. The RRT will take a final decision on the winners of the auction after examining the claims received and, in the absence of claims, after 7 working days from the announcement of the preliminary auction results.
Updated on 2022-08-30