Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) announced the postal market data for the third quarter of 2020. This year the market data was influenced by COVID-19 pandemic and that is reflected in the results of the third quarter of 2020. All the physical trade locations were reopened during the above-mentioned period, therefore the growth of the number of postal parcels in comparison to the same quarter of the previous year was stabilised, since the citizens returned for shopping to usual physical stores as well.
During the third quarter of 2020 the number of postal parcels decreased by 6.3 percent in comparison to the second quarter of 2020, the revenue received for the postal parcels decreased by 0.6 percent. Nevertheless, in comparison to the third quarter of 2019 the number of postal parcels increased by 47.1 percent, while the revenue received from the parcels increased by 27.0 percent.
The biggest influence by the revocation of the first quarantine because of COVID-19 was made upon the number of postal parcels sent within the country, whereas in comparison to the second quarter of 2020 the number of such parcels decreased by 14.2 percent. During the third quarter of 2020 the number of outgoing international postal parcels decreased by 16.3 percent in comparison to the second quarter of 2020, while the number of incoming international parcels increased by 11.9 percent. In comparison to the third quarter of 2019 the number of postal parcels sent within the country during the third quarter of 2020 increased by 41.8 percent. During the third quarter of 2020 the number of outgoing international postal parcels increased by 19.3 percent in comparison to the third quarter of 2019, whereas the number of incoming international parcels increased by more than twice (111.0 percent).
During the third quarter of 2020 the number of postal parcels the weight of which is up to 31.5 kg decreased by 6.5 percent in comparison to the second quarter of 2020. Such postal parcels (the weight of which is up to 31.5 kg) comprise the biggest share (almost 99 percent) of all the postal parcels.
During the third quarter of 2020 for the first time since the first quarter of 2018, when the collection of such statistics was initiated, the number of postal parcels (articles) exceeded the number of correspondence items (letters), as regards the provision of non-universal postal services. The tendencies of decreasing numbers of correspondence items (letters) and increasing numbers of postal parcels (articles) have been observed since the beginning of 2020.
The number of correspondence items during the third quarter of 2020 in comparison to the second quarter of 2020 decreased by 15.5 percent, whereas in comparison to the third quarter of 2019 – decreased by 32.6 percent and reached 10.20 million units. The revenue from sending correspondence items during the third quarter of 2020 decreased by 10.1 percent in comparison to the second quarter of 2020, whereas in comparison to the third quarter of 2019 – decreased by 24.2 percent.
The number of correspondence items is constantly decreasing, since more and more correspondence is sent by electronical means, renouncing paper letters in general. Moreover, it is also possible to state that during the analysed period the decrease in the number of correspondence items was also influenced by the revoked first quarantine and the period of summer holidays.
During the third quarter of 2020 the total revenue of the postal sector decreased by 1.5 percent in comparison to the second quarter of 2020, nevertheless, in comparison to the third quarter of 2019 the revenue increased by 10.1 percent and comprised 51.84 million of Euros. As regards total revenue the biggest share of the market was taken by the following companies during the third quarter of 2020: AB Lietuvos paštas – 34.4 percent, UAB DPD Lietuva – 20.9 percent and UAB DHL Lietuva– 9.0 percent. In comparison to the third quarter of 2019 the market share of AB Lietuvos paštas decreased by 2.8 percentage points, UAB DPD Lietuva – increased by 2.7 percentage points, UAB DHL Lietuva – decreased by 2.8 percentage points.
A significant increase in both total revenues of the postal sector and the number of outgoing postal parcels is expected during the 4th quarter of 2020 due to the second quarantine announced within the country because of COVI-19 pandemic and the holiday season. The review was made on the basis of the data submitted to Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) by the providers of postal services on the services provided during the third quarter of 2020. The full review is accessible on the website of Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) at: https://www.rrt.lt/d/pasto-sektoriaus-periodines-ataskaitos/
Updated on 2020-12-07