On 8-9 November 2018, the Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT) hosted a visit of the Georgian National Communications Commission (GNCC) representatives. The GNCC experts came to Lithuania for a study visit organized by the RRT within the framework of the Twinning project “Supporting the Georgian National Communications Commission (GNCC) in developing of its electronic communications regulatory framework and operational capacities in line with EU regulatory framework“. RRT is a senior partner implementing the project in cooperation with its Polish and German counterparts.
The purpose of the visit was to introduce the representatives of the Georgian regulator to the best practice of regulation and implementation of the international roaming services in Lithuania and the EU. The RRT representatives shared their expertise in practically implementing the regulatory changes in the area, and specified the impact of the EU legal acts upon the use of services, pricing and the market. The participants of the meeting discussed the ratios of the wholesale and retail rates of the roaming service as well as aspects of cooperation between operators. The visitors from Georgia were specifically interested in the regulation of alternative tariffs, and the means employed by the RRT to implement the Roaming Regulation.
The guests visited the telecommunication companies UAB TELE2 and AB Telia Lietuva, and were interested in the activities of the operators and their practical expertise, the means to ensure a smooth provision of the services for travelling users, and discussed a range of issues related to cooperation between the Lithuanian and Georgian operators.
That was the second of the three study visits to Lithuania scheduled within the framework of the Twinning project that RRT will be implementing in cooperation with the partners until mid-2019.
Updated on 2018-11-30