An annual meeting of the representatives of the national regulatory authorities of the Baltic States took place at the Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT) on 23-24 August 2018. The attendees of the meeting – the representatives of the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian regulatory authorities – shared their experience in the most relevant matters of regulation of electronic communications and postal markets and discussed the tendencies and perspectives of the expansion of national markets.
During the individual sessions, the experts of the Baltic regulatory authorities discussed the relevant matters of regulation in various fields of communications sector. During the electronic communications session, the particularities of regulation of infrastructure, especially communication cable channels and access necessary for the electronic communications services were discussed and experience in practical implementation of the requirements of ensuring of neutrality of networks was shared. The experience of each of the three Baltic States after a year following the entry into force of the principle to provide the travelling Europeans with a possibility of roam-like-at-home in the entire EU was discussed. The topicalities of the market researches were discussed; the experience of the parties in performance of the economic-statistical analysis of the markets was shared.
In the post session, the main emphasis was on the regulation of universal postal services, the observations on the matters of customer rights protection and market maintenance were shared.
In radio spectrum session, which in addition to the representatives of regulators of the three Baltic States was also attended by the colleagues from Poland, the most topical matters of planning and further use of radio frequencies were discussed. The representatives of all countries spoke about the planned auctions to allocate 700 MHz and 3.5 GHz radio frequency bands. The Lithuanian representatives briefed the participants about the RRT’s conducted study on the compatibility of different radio communication systems in the 1.5 GHz radio frequency band wherein the ideas relevant to all countries bordering the Russian Federation and Ukraine were discussed.
In 2019, the meeting of the Baltic regulatory authorities will take place in Latvia. The presentations made during the meeting are available at https://www.rrt.lt/en/presentations/2018-2/.
Updated on 2018-08-28