On 24-28 September 2018, at the invitation of the Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT), the 92nd meeting of the Working Group Frequency Management (WGFM) of the Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) of the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations was held in Vilnius. This group is responsible for developing strategies and prospective plans for the management of the radio spectrum in the European region.
The representatives from 34 countries, the European Commission, International Telecommunication Union and 14 international organisations were discussing the issues related to the frequency management: trends of development of broadband mobile radiocommunication and other systems, needs of broadband system development for broadband public protection and disaster relief (BB-PPDR) services, prospects of the use of short-range radiocommunication equipment.
At the meeting, 11 CEPT, ECC and ECO reports, 11 ECC decisions and 7 ECC draft recommendations were drawn up. The drafted reports, decisions and recommendations to be approved at the ECC plenary meetings will be taken account of when drafting or amending legal acts governing the use of the radio frequency. These documents will be of a special relevance and value when resolving the international coordination issues and setting the regulatory requirements for new radio systems. For the documents considered and decisions adopted at the WGFM meeting see here: https://www.cept.org/ecc/groups/ecc/wg-fm/client/meeting-documents/?flid=7847.
Updated on 2018-10-05