

RRT: III ketv. pašto rinkos pajamos paaugo 2,8 proc. (2023 November 22 d.)

Bendrosios šių metų III ketv.

CRA used AI tool for illegal and harmful content detection listed as Baltic Sustainability Awards finalist (2022 November 23 d.)

AI tool for detecting illegal and harmful content (incl.

Daugėja pranešimų apie draudžiamą interneto turinį (2022 October 26 d.)

Per 2022 m.


Jūsų patogumui pateikiame pasiteiravimo formą, kurią galite užpildyti.


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CRA gives authorisation for a new technological solution (2023 August 1 d.)

The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) has granted the right to the Centre of Registers to distribute qualified electronic signature and electronic seal certificates using a new technological solution - the LT ID mobile application.

During the first quarter of 2020, RRT received 383 reports about illegal or harmful content on the Internet (2020 April 16 d.)

During 2020 In the 1st quarter, the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) received 383 reports on the Internet hotline ,,Švarus internetas” (Clean Internet) about illegal or harmful content on the Internet.

Recommendations for Teachers and Parents on How to Help Children Learn Safely and Effectively Online (2020 April 10 d.)

With the start of the distance education process in Lithuania, children spend a lot of time online and organizing virtual lessons poses new challenges for both students and teachers.

3400–3700 MHz radijo dažnių juostos aukcionas

2022 m.

2022 m.