On 8 March 2022, the European Group of Postal Regulators (ERGP), which also includes RRT as an active member, has called on postal operators to lower or abolish fees charged by them for sending parcels, including individual postal items containing medicine and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. The national postal regulatory authority of Ukraine has informed the ERGP that the Ukrainian Post Ukrposhta would not charge for the delivery on the territory of Ukraine of the postal items containing aid and delivered free-of-charge by other national postal operators.
This ERGP call is a response to the situation in Ukraine, where it is very important to facilitate the delivery of postal items containing humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian population. RRT supports this ERGP initiative and invites postal service providers operating in Lithuania to join it.
The ERGP also welcomes voluntary initiatives by the European postal sector to enable and facilitate the delivery of medicine and humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian population in Ukraine or in the refugee-designated areas of the neighboring territories and urges all postal operators in Europe to take further action.
The ERGP statement addressed to European postal operators regarding aid deliveries to Ukraine is available here https://ec.europa.eu/docsroom/documents/49136
RRT also supports initiatives to ensure a smooth operation of communication channels with Ukraine – more information can be found here https://www.rrt.lt/en/lithuania-together-with-europe-supports-ukraine-in-electronic-communications-sector/
Updated on 2022-03-09